In this chapter we will learn most commonly used properties and methods to accessing element of DOM . There are several properties and methods you can use to access and manipulate HTML elements in JavaScript. Here is a list of some commonly used ones:
getElementById(): This method allows you to access an HTML element using its id attribute.
getElementsByClassName(): This method returns a collection of HTML elements that have the same class name.
getElementsByTagName(): This method returns a collection of HTML elements that have the specified tag name.
querySelector(): This method returns the first HTML element that matches the specified CSS selector.
querySelectorAll(): This method returns a list of HTML elements that match the specified CSS selector.
innerHTML: This property allows you to get or set the HTML content inside an element.
textContent: This property allows you to get or set the text content inside an element.
setAttribute(): This method allows you to set the value of an attribute on an HTML element.
getAttribute(): This method allows you to get the value of an attribute on an HTML element.
classList: This property returns a list of the classes for an HTML element and provides methods to add, remove, and toggle classes.
style: This property allows you to get or set the style of an HTML element.
parentNode: This property allows you to access the parent node of an HTML element.
childNodes: This property allows you to access the child nodes of an HTML element.
children: This property allows you to access the child elements of an HTML element.
nextSibling: This property allows you to access the next sibling of an HTML element.
previousSibling: This property allows you to access the previous sibling of an HTML element.
Now, here are examples for each of the properties related to accessing elements in JavaScript:
The innerHTML property is used to get or set the HTML content of an element.
<div id="example">This is an example element</div>
const exampleElement = document.getElementById("example");
// Get the current HTML content of the element
const currentHTML = exampleElement.innerHTML;
console.log(currentHTML); // Output: "This is an example element"
// Set new HTML content for the element
exampleElement.innerHTML = "<p>This is new HTML content</p>";
The textContent property is used to get or set the text content of an element.
<div id="example">This is an example element</div>
const exampleElement = document.getElementById("example");
// Get the current text content of the element
const currentText = exampleElement.textContent;
console.log(currentText); // Output: "This is an example element"
// Set new text content for the element
exampleElement.textContent = "This is new text content";
The style property is used to get or set the CSS style of an element.
javascriptCopy codeconst exampleElement = document.getElementById("example");
// Get the current style of the element
const currentStyle =;
console.log(currentStyle.backgroundColor); // Output: "red"
// Set new style for the element = "blue"; = "200px"; = "200px";
The classList property is used to get or set the classes of an element.
htmlCopy code<div id="example" class="box"></div>
javascriptCopy codeconst exampleElement = document.getElementById("example");
// Get the current classes of the element
const currentClasses = exampleElement.classList;
console.log(currentClasses); // Output: ["box"]
// Add a new class to the element