Event Handling
Event Handling refers to the process of registering an event listener on a specific element in the HTML document and then writing JavaScript code to handle the event when it is triggered. Events can be user-generated, such as a mouse click or a key press, or they can be triggered by the browser, such as the page finishing loading.
Here are some common event listeners in JavaScript along with examples of how to use them:
: This event listener is triggered when the user clicks on an element.
: This event listener is triggered when the mouse moves over an element.
: This event listener is triggered when a key is pressed down.
: This event listener is triggered when a form is submitted.
: This event listener is triggered when the page has finished loading.
: This event listener is triggered when the browser window is resized.
: This event listener is triggered when the user scrolls the page.
These are just a few examples of the many event listeners available in JavaScript. By registering event listeners and writing code to handle the events, you can create dynamic and interactive web pages.
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