Basic outline
Developing a students result management system in PHP requires a database to store student information, exam results, and subject information. We will also need to create web pages for displaying and submitting data.
Here are the general steps we will need to follow:
Create a MySQL database to store student information, exam results, and subject information. We will create tables for students, subjects, and results.
Create a PHP script to connect to the database and retrieve student and subject information.
Create a PHP script to allow teachers to submit student exam results.
Create a PHP script to calculate student results based on the exam results and display them in a result sheet.
Create a web page for students to view and download their result sheet.
Let's break down each step in more detail:
Database design:
Create a database called "result_management_system".
Create a table called "students" with columns: student_id, student_name, student_email, student_phone.
Create a table called "subjects" with columns: subject_id, subject_name.
Create a table called "results" with columns: result_id, student_id, subject_id, marks_obtained, total_marks.
PHP script to retrieve student and subject information:
Write a PHP script to connect to the database.
Write a query to retrieve all student information from the "students" table.
Write a query to retrieve all subject information from the "subjects" table.
Store the results in PHP variables.
PHP script to allow teachers to submit student exam results:
Write a PHP script to connect to the database.
Create a form for teachers to enter student exam results, with fields for student_id, subject_id, marks_obtained, and total_marks.
Validate the form data to ensure that the fields are not empty and that the marks obtained are not greater than the total marks.
Write a query to insert the exam results into the "results" table.
Display a success message if the results were inserted successfully, or an error message if there was a problem.
PHP script to calculate student results and display them in a result sheet:
Write a PHP script to connect to the database.
Write a query to retrieve all student exam results from the "results" table, joined with the "students" and "subjects" tables to get the student name and subject name.
Calculate the total marks and percentage for each student.
Display the results in a table with columns for student name, subject name, marks obtained, total marks, and percentage.
Web page for students to view and download their result sheet:
Create a web page for students to view their result sheet.
Write a PHP script to retrieve the student's exam results from the "results" table, joined with the "subjects" table to get the subject name.
Display the results in a table with columns for subject name, marks obtained, total marks, and percentage.
Add a button to download the result sheet in PDF format.
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