Band score

What is a Band Score? The IELTS exam is scored on a band scale of 0 to 9. The band score represents a candidate's proficiency in the English language. The higher the band score, the more proficient the candidate is in English.

Which Band Represents Which Level of English? The band score is divided into nine bands, with each band representing a different level of English proficiency. The following table provides a breakdown of the bands and their corresponding English levels:

Band ScoreEnglish Level


Expert User


Very Good User


Good User


Competent User


Modest User


Limited User


Extremely Limited User


Intermittent User


Non User

How is the Overall Band Score Calculated? The overall band score is calculated by taking the average of the four sections of the IELTS exam, which are Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Each section is scored on a scale of 0 to 9. The average of the four sections is then rounded up or down to the nearest half band.

For example, if a candidate scores 7 in Listening, 6.5 in Reading, 6 in Writing, and 7.5 in Speaking, their overall band score would be (7 + 6.5 + 6 + 7.5) / 4 = 6.75, which would be rounded up to a band score of 7.

Rounding Score Policy The rounding score policy is used to determine the final band score when the average of the four sections results in a score with a decimal point. If the decimal point is 0.25 or higher, the score is rounded up to the nearest half band. If the decimal point is below 0.25, the score is rounded down to the nearest half band.

For example, if a candidate scores 7 in Listening, 6.5 in Reading, 6 in Writing, and 7 in Speaking, their overall band score would be (7 + 6.5 + 6 + 7) / 4 = 6.625, which would be rounded up to a band score of 6.5.

What is a Good Band Score? The definition of a good band score varies depending on the purpose of the exam. For example, if a candidate is applying to a university, the minimum required band score may be 6.5 or 7.0. However, if a candidate is applying for immigration purposes, the required band score may be higher.

In general, a band score of 6.0 or higher is considered a good score, as this indicates that the candidate has a competent level of English proficiency. However, candidates should research the requirements of the institution they are applying to in order to determine what score they need to achieve.

In conclusion, the band score is an important aspect of the IELTS exam, as it determines a candidate's level of English proficiency. The band score ranges from 0 to 9, with each band representing a different level of proficiency. The overall band score is calculated by averaging the scores of the four sections of the exam, and rounding up or down to the nearest half band. Candidates should research the requirements of the institution they are applying to in order to determine what score they need to achieve.

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