How to Scan

scanning is a technique that involves searching for specific information or details within a passage. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Identify the keywords: Before scanning the passage, identify the keywords related to the information you're looking for. For example, if you're looking for information about the benefits of exercise, your keywords might include "exercise," "benefits," "health," "fitness," etc.

  2. Use your finger or a pen: While scanning the passage, use your finger or a pen to guide your eyes quickly through the text. Move your finger or pen in a zigzag pattern, following the line of text as you go. This helps to keep your focus and avoid missing any important information.

  3. Look for specific information: As you scan, look for the specific information you need related to your keywords. For example, if you're looking for information about the benefits of exercise, you might be scanning for specific phrases like "improves cardiovascular health," "reduces stress," "increases muscle strength," etc.

  4. Ignore irrelevant information: When scanning, it's important to ignore any irrelevant information that doesn't relate to your keywords. This will help you to save time and avoid getting sidetracked.

  5. Practice: The more you practice scanning, the better you will get at it. You can practice by scanning articles, books, or even advertisements in newspapers or magazines.

Here's an example of how you might use scanning to find specific information in a passage:

Passage: "The Benefits of Exercise"

Regular exercise has numerous benefits for overall health and wellness. It can improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, increase muscle strength and endurance, and even promote better sleep. Exercise can also help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, exercise has been shown to boost mood and increase cognitive function.

Task: Find the benefits of exercise related to cardiovascular health.

  1. Identify the keywords: "exercise," "benefits," "health," "fitness," "cardiovascular."

  2. Use your finger or a pen: Move your finger or pen quickly through the text, focusing on the areas that contain your keywords.

  3. Look for specific information: Look for phrases like "improves cardiovascular health," "reduces risk of heart disease," "lowers blood pressure," etc.

  4. Ignore irrelevant information: Ignore any information that doesn't relate to your keywords, such as information about reducing stress or improving cognitive function.

  5. Practice: Repeat this process with other passages and try to improve your scanning speed and accuracy over time.

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