Reading paper overview

The academic reading section of the IELTS exam is designed to test your reading comprehension skills in an academic context. The section consists of three passages, each containing approximately 700 words, for a total of 2,100 words. The passages are taken from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers on academic topics such as science, technology, history, and social science.

Difficulty Level: The passages are generally considered to be at a difficulty level appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students. The passages are written in a variety of styles, from descriptive to argumentative, and may contain technical vocabulary.

Question Types: After each passage, you will be asked 13-14 questions, for a total of 40 questions. The questions are in various formats, including multiple-choice, short-answer, labeling diagrams, matching information, and completing sentences. Some questions may require you to locate specific information in the passage, while others may require you to understand the writer's overall purpose or point of view.

Timing: You will have 60 minutes to complete the reading section. It is recommended that you spend approximately 20 minutes on each passage, allowing for time to read the passage carefully and answer the questions.

Scoring: The reading section is scored on a scale of 0-9, with half bands available. The scores for each passage are combined to produce an overall band score. The raw score, or number of correct answers, is converted to a band score using a conversion table provided by IELTS.

Tips and Tricks: To achieve a high score in the Academic Reading section, candidates should practice their reading skills regularly. It is recommended that candidates read a wide range of academic texts, such as journals, articles, and books, to develop their understanding of complex topics. Candidates should also practice their skimming and scanning skills, as well as their ability to understand the main ideas and supporting details of a passage.

It is also recommended that candidates read the questions carefully before reading the passage, as this can help them focus on the relevant information. Candidates should also try to identify key words and phrases in the questions that can help them locate the relevant information in the passage.

In conclusion, the Academic Reading section is an essential part of the IELTS exam that tests the reading skills of candidates. Candidates should develop their reading skills regularly and practice various question formats to achieve a higher band score in the Academic Reading section.

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