Skimming and Scanning

Skimming and scanning are two important reading techniques that can help you quickly locate and understand information from a passage.

Skimming is a technique used to quickly get an overall understanding of a passage by reading the main headings, subheadings, and the first and last paragraphs of the passage. Skimming helps you to understand the topic of the passage, the main points, and the overall structure. It is a useful technique to use when you are short on time and need to get a general idea of what a passage is about.

Scanning is a technique used to locate specific information in a passage quickly. It involves moving your eyes quickly over the text, looking for specific words or phrases that are related to the information you are searching for. Scanning is a useful technique to use when you need to find specific information quickly, such as when answering questions on an exam or when doing research.

To use these techniques effectively, start by reading the questions or objectives of what you want to learn or the questions you need to answer. This will give you an idea of what specific information you need to find. Then, use the appropriate technique:

For skimming, focus on the main headings, subheadings, and the first and last paragraphs of the passage to get an overall understanding of the topic, structure, and main points.

For scanning, quickly move your eyes over the text, looking for specific keywords, phrases, or numbers that relate to the information you need to find. If you find a relevant keyword, read the sentence or paragraph carefully to confirm if it contains the information you are looking for.

By using these techniques, you can save time and efficiently locate the information you need. It takes practice to master these techniques, so try practicing with different types of passages and questions to improve your skimming and scanning skills.

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