How to Skim

Skimming is a reading technique used to quickly gather the main idea of a text without reading it word for word. Here are some steps to help you effectively skim a text:

  1. Read the title, headings, and subheadings: This will give you a general idea of what the text is about and what information it contains.

  2. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph: This will give you a quick idea of what the paragraph is about and what information it contains. The first sentence usually introduces the topic, while the last sentence often summarizes the main idea.

  3. Look for keywords and phrases: Look for important words and phrases that stand out, such as names, dates, and numbers. These can help you quickly understand the main idea of the text.

  4. Pay attention to bold or italicized words: These words are often used to emphasize important points or ideas.

  5. Use your peripheral vision: When skimming, try to use your peripheral vision to take in as much of the text as possible. This can help you quickly move through the text and gather the main idea.

Here's an example of how to skim a news article:

Title: The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote relaxation, concentration, and overall well-being. It involves training the mind to focus on a specific object, thought, or activity, and can be done in many different ways. In recent years, research has shown that regular meditation can have a number of positive effects on both physical and mental health.

Skimming example:

  1. Read the title: "The Benefits of Meditation"

  2. Read the first sentence of the first paragraph: "Meditation is a practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote relaxation, concentration, and overall well-being."

  3. Look for keywords and phrases: "meditation," "relaxation," "concentration," "well-being," "positive effects," "physical and mental health."

  4. Pay attention to bold or italicized words: None in this example.

  5. Use your peripheral vision: Quickly glance over the rest of the article, looking for any other important keywords or phrases that stand out.

By skimming the passage, you can quickly get an idea of what the article is about and the main points it will cover. This technique can be helpful in the IELTS exam when you have limited time to read and answer questions.

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